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Titel: Workshop "Conjunction and disjunction from a typological perspective"
Veranstalter: Projektgruppe "Konjunktion und Disjunktion aus typologischer Perspektive"
Ort: Hörsaal 1, Institut f.Sprachwissenschaft, 1090 Wien, Sensengasse 3a
Startdatum: 19 Dezember
Startzeit: 12:00

Lucas Champollion (New York University): "The two senses of "and" in the coordination of nouns"
Viola Schmitt (University of Vienna): "Conjunction, plurals and non-local dependencies"
Yoad Winter (Utrecht University): ""With" without symmetry: the semantics of collective comitatives"
Moreno Mitrovic (University of Saarland): "A historical typology of conjunction meanings"

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